Copyright @ Fx Live Day Trading

Forex Trading Room

Forex Trading Room

"The New Forex Trading Room Also Includes Trades on Gold as Well As SPX500 Futures".


Over the last ten years that we have hosted our Live Forex Room  Trading Room we have seen many traders and trading rooms come and go. Unlike many trading rooms, we have experienced day traders who not only day trade Forex but trade Futures and stocks as well. We have a limit on the number of people we accept in our trading room, and we all know each other by name.

When we first began this trading room, we noticed so many people who were going through many of the mind battles that we went through when we first began. Many of us start off in trading with little or no mentoring, others begin with the wrong mentors who do not trade real money and are only educators at best. Many of the traders who began with us years ago still keep in touch if they do not attend our training seminars. We have seen traders go on to work in Banks, Hedge Funds as well as trade their own funds. Its a joy to see others succeed and our goal is to show our user experience and pass it forward to you so you can gain from our wins as well as our losing experiences. We also wondered why so many traders choose to go at it alone, do not trade alone, trade with the best Forex Trading Room online.


forex trading room

Our Forex trading room service will educate you on the basics as well as the advanced techniques we use to make informed intelligent day trading decisions, after ten years of trading live with an audience we have established ourselves as the premier day trading room. Our techniques are composed of technical as well as news and fundamental concepts that can be applied on an intraday basis. We have created several different methods that we find are easy for the beginner to pick up fast as well as advanced for the experienced trader to tweak their trading strategies.

forex day trading room

After we closed our trading room for 6 months as we handled consulting contracts, we have been asked by many to begin our trading room. Our time has been freed up as we approach the end of the year when our contracts for the year are ending, we are happy to welcome you to our Live Forex Educational Training Webinars.





Best In Trading!

Eric Perez

day trading course

*See for yourself why we are the Best NEW Live Forex Trading Room on the web! Sign up for the Premiere Pro Live Forex Trading Package Today!


Looking For Forex Signals Only? We now offer Forex Signals Only Service does not offer pro-rated or full refunds on any of our subscriptions!


Are you interested in 1 on 1 Day Trading Coaching from our very own trading coach Gerard?

Special Consulting can be structured in one-hour increments or 4-hour discount coaching.

By subscribing to our service you agree to our Risk Warning / Disclaimer
As well as our Payment Policy


*See for yourself why we are the Best NEW Live Forex Trading Room on the web! Sign up for the Premiere Pro Live Forex Trading Package Today!


Looking For Forex Signals Only? We now offer Forex Signals Only Service does not offer pro-rated or full refunds on any of our subscriptions!


Are you interested in 1 on 1 Day Trading Coaching from our very own trading coach Gerard?

Special Consulting can be structured in one-hour increments or 4-hour discount coaching.

By subscribing to our service you agree to our Risk Warning / Disclaimer
As well as our Payment Policy



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