Career In Day Trading
Career In Day Trading
I started my trading career in Day Trading on Wall Street – trading stocks for clients. I had a mentor who would question me and want to know what goals I had in life. I then realized, I had goals but they were too general. I thought that was not important - making money was. However, I am telling you the truth, without goals – you are lost. You need to have goals in order to get bigger and better things in life. That is the first step towards a Career in Day Trading.
In the late 1990's There was a shift in the trading scene. Many new traders evolved overnight because you did not have to be at a 'Firm' to have a Career in Day Trading. The internet was just booming, AOL came out with “You Got Mail” and stocks started to be traded online. This was a whole new ball game and it caught my interest. The UPS delivery guy was trading stocks from the back of his truck! And this is where we are today – all over the world people are Trading Futures, Commodities, Stocks and get my point, all in the comfort of their homes, offices, car, etc.
As a day trader on Wall Street I learned early on, to be successful, you have to earn it. I learned to get there, one truly has to know oneself. You have to know your personality and match that with a trading style that fits you. That is the second step. The third step is - have a realistic trading goal. I aim for 100+ pips for the week – broken down over the 5 days of forex day trading, that is about 20 pips per day. Finally, if you choose a Career in Day Trading you must understand that success is a slow process.
You can view my trading performance which is verified:
I have been trading for over 13 years and have opened the doors of trading opportunities to those interested in learning to day trade Forex live. I have joined with another successful German Trader, where we teach Forex in a live day trading room setting. Many of our Day Trading Room members share our common goal that we all strive towards a Career in Day Trading .
I host the US Session, Mon-Fri. From 7:45 AM – 10:45 AM.
My fellow trader hosts the Euro Session, Mon-Fri. From 2:00AM – 4:00AM.
If you would like more info on a Career in Day Trading and would like to join our Live Forex Room
- Posted by fx_Trader
- On August 8, 2012