Day Trading Training
Day Trading Training
Day trading training is a crucial step towards your success in Forex, for this reason I want to dedicate this article to training. As you can deduce from common sense a good trading course can give you the 'trading edge' you need to become a profitable day trader and can make the difference between average performance and a profitable trader.
When I began my career on Wall Street right our of College it was 1995, the Internet was just getting popular so this was not not much of an option for investors, however the basic day trading platforms were being used. Traders who were trading stocks had an added option in addition to placing trades with their broker. As the broker was called a commission was charged which ranged from 1-5% at the firms I worked at.
Commissions since this time have come down alot, with the advancement of trading platforms and competition the stock commissions are a fraction of what they once were. What about Forex? Well guess what? there is no Forex commissions. On top of no commissions for forex spot trading the amount to start with is much less than stocks.
Let's talk more about forex. Forex markets flow with over 5 trillion daily making it the largest market in the world. Forex day trading can be very profitable to trade and also very risky. I get many emails from thanking us and informing us that they are very successful forex traders thanks to our forex day trading training course. In addition to online forex trading, we also offer classes we also provide a live forex trading room daily.
We understand that many people cannot attend physically a trading class, as a result we offer online trading training. In our online trading classroom , is available online for all members and can be accessed 24-7.
You can track me on twitter to see our daily progress with trade setups.
I suggest you visit our website and see the vast amount of info to get you started, there are many Forex articles to get you started.
A Note on Day Trading
Please note that "day trading" means starting and ending the trading day with your account 100% in cash. This means not holding a position (long or short) until the next day. If you would like to read more info see this. Are you interested in joining our trade room family and get our day trading course for free?
- Posted by fx_Trader
- On February 23, 2013